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Updated Supplement Schedule

Daily Supplements:

A little look into what my day looks like in terms of supplements. I have added a few things to my schedule. This routine has been working out well for the past few months. I have noticed a definite improvement in muscle recovery, energy levels, gut health, and overall feeling of well-being. I hardly ever get sick, and if I do, it is only for a couple days max. I strongly believe these supplements support my immune health as well! I am simply sharing what has worked for me and giving ideas of what supplements are out there. I try to buy my supplements in bulk, when possible, for a more cost-effective option.

I highly recommend everyone do their own research, read a few books, and take a little bit of initiative to look into what may help you in daily life, not directly copy someone from the internet without looking into it further. The underlined words contain the links to where I purchased these supplements from for anyone out there who thinks they will benefit from them. The words highlighted in pink are from a supplement company called Plexus, please refer to my blog post " Review of Plexus Products" for additional information, The blog post is linked to the underlined word 'prebiotic".


Mornings: 🌅Whey protein coffee, prebiotic drink

Afternoon: 🌤️Multivitamin,vitamin C, vitamin D, omega 3 algae oil, magnesium OR biocleanse (contains vitamin c and magnesium)

Evenings: 🌙Collagen tea, probiotic

As needed throughout the day: electrolytes for hydration, turmeric & bromelain capsules or ease capsules for muscle fatigue

Gym Days

Mornings: 🌅Pre-workout, BCAA & electrolytes in post-workout drink, prebiotic drink

Afternoon: 🌤️ Multivitamin, vitamin C, vitamin D, omega 3 algae oil, magnesium, whey protein shake

Evenings: 🌙Collagen tea, probiotic

If I get sick: I take some time to rest, drink plenty of liquids including beef bone broth, take additional vitamin c and Zinc!

Some final thoughts, a lot can be accomplished from diet and exercise alone, but supplements are a great way to fill the gaps and ensure what that your body is getting what it needs. I look at my health as an investment for the long term, so I am willing to spend the money on these products when they make a definite positive impact on how I am feeling!



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